Preparing the roof in case of a transition from one roofing material to another can be tricky, because not all roofs are the same. While the material may be installed in the same area, these roofing materials have different requirements based on their weight, their shape, and structure, which changes all elements altogether. The best way to prevent problems that lead to costly repairs is to address all these roofing factors, and adjust the requirements accordingly.
1. Roof Structure
Roofing materials have weight differences which may require stronger roofing structure or more supporting frames to keep it strong and sturdy even with strong winds. However, it does not only apply in transitioning to new materials. Even if you are replacing an aged roof with a new one of the same material, securing the structural components is necessary to avoid accidents. This is to ensure that the roof will not sag, not easily deteriorate, and remain watertight. Inspect for rotten, aged, soft spots, or sagging elements. Once the integrity of the roof elements is compromised, then complete replacement before installing the new roof might be the best option.
2. Roof Pitch
Roof pitch, whether low or high, or a combination of both, can dictate which roofing material is best appropriate. It also determines the cost of labor and repair to install and replace the roof. Low pitch structures are usually found in certain parts of the home, like porches or carports, while high pitched roofs may be more common in other countries.
3. Roof Design
Some roof designs have more complicated lines that add challenges on having a seamless transition flashing and may also affect the cost of labor. Check the roof designs to also check the requirements and ensure a watertight installation.
Transitioning from one roofing material to another, or one type of the same roof to another, can pose challenges and additional tasks, which if not taken care of, may result in a faulty installation. In skylight roofing for example, embossed and corrugated polycarbonate sheets may require more framing support than solid polycarbonate or twin wall polycarbonate sheets. The same thing is applied if you originally have metal roofing and may want to change to a stone coated roof. The best solution is to look for a trusted material supplier and a roofing contractor that will help you in deciding which is appropriate for your project. With the right expertise and profound experience, a stress free installation process is possible.
Duralon is a trusted polycarbonate brand in the Philippines, which you can find in all Polylite stores nationwide. Polylite is a trusted polycarbonate supplier in the Philippines that offers a selection of different types of polycarbonate. Aside from polycarbonate sheets, Polylite also offers other architectural materials like aluminum composite panels (ACP) and acrylic sheets. Contact us for more information.